Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Environmental Human Relations in Islam


Among the important aspects in understanding the worldview of Islam is that you need to understand the fact of God, man and nature as a whole as well as the relationship between these three elements in terms of their rights and their responsibilities.

The fact God s.w.t.
The fact God s.w.t. must be known based on information given by Allah through His revelation in the Qur'an nor al-Hadith. No one can also learn about God through other sources.
Based on His revelation, we know that God God is one and distinct from all creatures in the universe.
The Word of God s.w.t. which means:
Say (O Muhammad), He (Allah) God alone.
(Surah al-Ikhlas: 1)
His words again, which means:
There is nothing in common with him.
(Surah al-Ikhlas: 4)

God s.w.t. possesses all the attributes of perfection and glory of all deficiencies. God s.w.t. not the same as being in any way, but have in common with the character creation. Nevertheless, it is impossible God s.w.t. have any character flaws.
GOD created man and the universe. Because God is perfect, God created the universe perfectly. Because God is compassionate and merciful, God created the universe with love. Similarly, because of God's wisdom, God Almighty created the universe with a well-equipped and know the weaknesses, deficiencies, needs and strengths of the universe.
Thus, to preserve nature He created, God has lowered his rules to be complied with. For an intelligent creature like humans and jinns, Allah sent down His rules in the form of Islamic law and the laws of nature. While the creatures were mindless, like animals and plants, God down the laws of nature only.
To ensure a perfect life, all creatures must obey and adhere to the rules of God's creation in the form of Islamic law or the laws of nature. Man who disobeys comply with Islamic law and the laws of nature created by Allah swt will face destruction in this world and in the hereafter. Similarly, other creatures like animals and plants that do not adhere to the natural law of God's creation will also face the destruction of the world. This is because Allah is Aware of what is good and what is not good for creatures of His creation.

Human beings in the eyes of Islam is most glorious. Please check the table below which shows the wisdom of God created man.
Human wisdom made ​​the best creatures in the world

1 That man realize himself that Allah swt create the perfect shape.
2 That man grateful for the blessings God's grace who has created the best scene.
3 Allow the human being in the earth to uphold Islam and environmental prosperity.
4 So that people submit to Allah's command in all aspects of life.
The Word of God s.w.t. which means:
Verily We have honored the sons of Adam.
(Surah al-Isra ': 70)
This means that man was given a mandate by God to administer and govern the universe well. However, the position of the man as a caliph who administer and govern the universe does not mean that they can exploit this environment to their liking.
As the man as vicegerent and servant of God, man is in a unique and more precious than all other creatures. Therefore, people should not be a slave or worship of other beings other than Allah
In addition, the worship of other beings could also take the form of placing priority on the creature more than the priority obey Allah An example is the misguided teachings of the spreading in Malaysia.
One is that the teachings of Ayah Pin. Ayah Pin has admitted that he is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Unfortunately, many Muslims have low faith and his faith was influenced by the teachings of Ayah Pin and his followers.
One is if he desires worship in accordance with his desires until he is willing to violate the laws of God.
God s.w.t. says:
Have you seen him who takes his own desires as a god?
(Surah al-Jathiyah: 23)
Similarly, a person is said to worship materialism, money or rank insignia if he is willing to violate the law of God in its efforts to obtain the wealth or rank insignia.
In short, the perfect man is the man who is always aware of and appreciate the position as Caliph and at the same time also as a man of God in this world.

The fact of nature
Nature of those beings because everything created by God Creation of the universe is intended for the convenience and pleasure of men.
The Word of God s.w.t. which means:
Are you not see that Allah has given you all the facilities to the contents of the heavens and the earth.
(Surah Luqman: 20)
Man ordered to leverage and enrich the universe was created by God Thus, the prosperity of the universe with care and good utilization is also a prayer that is rewarded by Allah
The Word of God s.w.t. means:
And no partner to Him in His reign, and He created all things and he set his resolution (certain).
(Surat al-Furqan: 2)

Every creation of God s.w.t. it's for a reason. Please see the example below:
S.w.t God's purpose to make the earth:

• So people think about the creation of the earth is so perfect so confident of his power.
• For the convenience of human life in this world and to help them learn the knowledge of God
• For people using God's creation as a source of sustenance and knowledge to build a civilization.
• To demonstrate the power, majesty and wisdom of God
• As a place to live for people and places they perform acts of worship to Allah

Relationship of God, man and nature
Based on the discussion about the nature and position of God, man and nature, it is clear to you about the relationship between the three of them in terms of rights and responsibilities. God s.w.t. is the focus, determination and the culmination of all of nature and the existence of phenomena that occur therein. Humans, as a caliph and a servant of God, to fulfill God bears responsibility Faith, not only in terms of the recognition of the existence, oneness and His rububiyyah mentioned as monotheism, but also faith in terms of loyalty, obedience and worship Him who is known as monotheism uluhiyyh. Bowing to Allah s.w.t. are subject to Islamic jurisprudence and natural law. Moreover, it also means the duty of administering and prosperity of nature according to the principles prescribed by Allah.

Link: http://pengajianislam.pressbooks.com/chapter/allah-manusia-dan-alam/

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